Code to simplify task-parallel programming in Java by wrapping the built-in executor framework. Also, given code for graphical heat diffision application. This code is described in a) Paper "Using wrappers to simplify task parallel programming" by Michael Graf and David P. Bunde. Appeared in Proceedings of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Midwestern conference (CCSC-MW), 2014. b) Poster "Accessible parallel programming in Java" by Michael Graf and David P. Bunde. Presented at the 4th NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education (EduPar), 2014. These papers and supporting materials are available at The code comes in 2 packages: 1) SimpleExecutor: The wrapper code to present a simple work queue implementation based on the executor framework in java.util.concurrent. Contains the following: a) SimpleExecutor: wraps an ExecutorService b) SimpleTask: Class to extend in order to create tasks. Simply extend it and override the run method with the desired operation. c) SimpleFuture: Returned by SimpleExecutor when it is asked to run a Callable (a task with a return value). 2) SerialHeat: A serial implementation of a heat diffusion simulation. Intended as given code for an assignment with which to use the (wrapped) executor framework. The main function is in These materials are provided under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license ( in the hope that they can be used in teaching parallel programming. Please adapt and use them as appropriate for your own courses. Just acknowledge us as required. I ( would appreciate hearing about your experiences.