Task Mapping for Non-Contiguous Allocations

Joint work with Johnathan Ebbers, Stefan P. Feer, Vitus J. Leung, Nickolas W. Price, Zachary D. Rhodes, and Matthew Swank.
Poster presented at SC 2013.


We examine task mapping algorithms for systems that allocate jobs non-contiguously, such as the Cray X series. Several studies have shown that task placement affects job running time for both contiguously and non-contiguously allocated jobs. Our focus is on jobs with a stencil communication pattern. We use experiments on a Cray XE to evaluate novel task mapping algorithms as well as some adapted to this setting. This is done with the miniGhost miniApp which mimics the performance of CTH, a shock physics application. Our strategies improve average running time by as much as 28% over a baseline strategy.