starling Zenaida Dove Carib Grackle Nutcracker Pinyon Jay Blue Jay Savannah Sparrow
Zebra Finch Gouldians

Welcome to the Templeton Lab
I am a cognitive ecologist. Cognition refers to the ways in which an animal acquires, stores and processes information from its environment to make different types of decisions. Therefore, ‘cognitive ecology’ is the study of how the cognitive abilities of animals enable them to make decisions that enhance their survival and reproductive success in their particular ecological and social environments. My research in cognitive ecology takes an interdisciplinary approach, spanning the fields of behavioral ecology, experimental and comparative psychology, and neuroethology. The focus of my studies is on learning, memory, and decision-making behavior in foraging and mating contexts, and it involves experimental work in the lab and field. I am particularly interested in the ecological factors that have influenced the evolution of decision-making processes, information use, and learning in solitary and group-living species. As you can see from the panel above, I mainly use birds as my research subjects, but I also work with a variety of other animals, including fish, bats, and dogs. Knox Biology, Psychology, Neuroscience, and Environmental Studies majors are able to choose from a variety of topics for their Senior and Honor's research with me. Several of these collaborative research projects have led to co-authored publications and conference presentations with students (see publications and presentations with asterisks below).

Click here for my Faculty Web Page.

Investigations in Animal Behavior - Involving the Public in Behavioral Research:

Pet Lateralization Surveys - Coming Soon on SciStarter (Citizen Science Website)

'Pawedness in Pets' video clips - in progress!

Knox 'College for Kids' (C4K), June 17-28 (click on Course Descriptions and see Science/Math 216: Animal Planet)

 Knox C4K Photo Journal - in progress!


Visual Lateralization in Birds:

Lateralization is the specialization of the left and right brain hemispheres for cognitive skills like learning and memory.  Hemispheric specialization theoretically has adaptive value because it eliminates neural redundancy while increasing task efficiency. Lateralization is especially easy to study in birds because the information from each eye goes to the opposite hemisphere; this means you can simply cover one of the bird's eyes when testing it on a particular task.  Students and I are examining lateralization in a variety of different contexts, including pattern discrimination, prey detection, and mate choice.

Honors student Diana Gonzalez and I tested European Starlings on a visual discrimination task (upper right), and found that they showed the opposite visual lateralization compared to non-passerines (chickens and pigeons); they were able to learn the discrimination more quickly when using the left eye (right hemisphere) than when using the right eye.  Honors student Joyce Christensen and I also found that in starlings there is unilateral transfer of prey detection skills from the right to the left hemisphere, suggesting that long-term storage of this cognitive ability is lateralized in the left hemisphere.  Most recently, I have begun collaborating with Dr. Debbie Kelly at the University of Manitoba to study the lateralization of the search image in the avian brain using the technique of FDG-microPET neuroimaging described below.

While on sabbatical in Australia, Dr. Jim Mountjoy and I collaborated with Dr. Sarah Pryke and Dr. Simon Griffith to test the hypothesis that visual mate preferences are lateralized in the right eye/left hemisphere system of the Gouldian Finch. This species occurs in three different head colors: red, black, and yellow.  Each morph has a strong visual preference for mates of its own head color, and this preference enhances fitness.  We tested monocular birds in this mate choice chamber (right).  Click on the photo to watch a shortened video clip of a trial. (The black male has his right eye open and he is just about to visit a black female; he tries to reach her, then bows and sings.)  Is love lateralized?  Check out our Biology Letters publication below!  See some of the coverage our research has received: [Discover Magazine] [Science News] [EarthTimesOnline] [GrrlScientist] [The Conversation] [The Royal Society] [Scientific American].

We now have taken our research to the neural level by using non-invasive in vivo FDG-microPET neuroimaging of zebra finch brains to confirm the lateralization of mate preferences and mate choice decisions in a particular hemisphere, and to determine which specific regions of the brain are involved in these cognitive tasks. To do this work, we have been collaborating with Drs. David PerkelDonna CrossRobert Miyaoka and John Marzluff at the University of Washington.  New pilot data for six zebra finch males show that they court high- and low-quality females normally following injection with FDG tracer. Scans are now being normalized and analyzed.

In this raw FDG-PET image from a single subject (right), greater regional uptake of FDG can be distinguished visually in the left entopallium (a region known to be important in visual discrimination). The image is a non-normalized, maximum intensity projection in ventral view, so left and right are reversed. So far, we have found that the degree of left hemisphere lateralization for FDG uptake in the entopallium tends to be positively correlated with courtship of the high-quality female.  This is a novel approach to the study of mate choice behavior and it should lead to exciting new discoveries in the field of sexual selection.  We look forward to involving Knox students in this research in the near future!
starling discrim

choice chamber

brain scan

Related Publications and Presentations (*student coauthor):

Templeton, J.J.,  *McCracken, B., *Sher, M., & Mountjoy, D.J.  (In Press). An eye for beauty: Lateralized visual stimulation of courtship behavior and mate preferences in male zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata. Behavioural Processes.  Published Online Nov 13, 2013.

Templeton, J.J.,  *McCracken, B., *Sher, M., & Mountjoy, D.J.  2013. An eye for beauty: Lateralized visual stimulation of courtship behavior and mate preferences in male zebra finches. International Comparative Cognition Society, Melbourne, FL.

Templeton, J.J., Mountjoy, D.J., Pryke, S.R. & Griffith, S.C.  2012. In the eye of the beholder: visual mate choice lateralization in a polymorphic songbird.  Biology Letters 8: 924-927.  (Published online Oct 3, 2012)  PDF

*McCracken, B., Templeton, J.J. & Mountjoy, D.J.  2012  Lateralization of visual mate choice in male Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Joint meeting of the Animal Behaviour Society and the Human Evolution & Behavior Society, Albuquerque, NM.

Mountjoy, D.J., Templeton, J.J.,  Pryke, S.R., Griffith, S.C. 2012 In the eye of the beholder: visual mate choice lateralization in a polymorphic song bird (Erythrura gouldiae). Joint meeting of the Animal Behaviour Society and the Human Evolution & Behavior Society, Albuquerque, NM.

Templeton, J.J., Mountjoy, D.J., Pryke, S.R., Griffith, S.C. In the eye of the beholder: visual mate choice lateralization in a polymorphic song bird (Erythrura gouldiae).  ISAS Meeting, Knox College, IL

Templeton, J.J., Mountjoy, D.J., Pryke, S.R., Griffith, S.C. In the eye of the beholder: visual mate choice lateralization in a polymorphic song bird (Erythrura gouldiae). International Comparative Cognition Society, Melbourne, FL.

*McCracken, B., Templeton, J.J. & Mountjoy, D.J.  Lateralization of visual mate choice in female Zebra Finches (T. guttata).
2011  Undergraduate Research Symposium, Midstates Consortium, St. Louis MO.

*Jayasinghe, V. & Templeton, J.J. 2008. Lateralization of mate choice in domesticated zebra finches?  Midstates Consortium Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, IL

Templeton, J.J. & *Christensen-Dykema, J. 2008. A behavioral analysis of prey detection lateralization & unilateral transfer in European Starlings. Behavioural Processes 79: 125-131.  PDF

*Wintheiser, R. & Templeton, J.J. 2008. Lateralization of visual discrimination in a passerine: The importance of the binocular field.  Animal Behavior Society (ABS) meeting, Utah.

Kelly D.M., *Kippenbrock S., Templeton J.J., Kamil A.C. 2008. Use of a geometric rule or absolute vectors: landmark use by Clark's nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana). Brain Research Bulletin 76:293-9. PDF

Templeton, J.J., *Christensen, J.M. & *Fink, S.  2007. Searching for the search image in the avian brain.  International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE) meeting, Tours, France.

*Wright, K. & Templeton, J.J.  2006. Lateralization of visual discrimination in the zebra finch. PEW Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, IL
Templeton, J.J. & *Gonzalez, D.P. 2004. Reverse lateralization of visual discriminative abilities in the European Starling.  Animal Behaviour 67: 783-788.  PDF

Cognitive Skills of the Domestic Dog:

I have been collaborating with the students in my Biol/Psyc 312 course and with Dr. Judy Thorn, and now with Dr. Kristy Gould at Luther College conducting experiments on the cognitive abilities of shelter dogs and family-owned dogs. 

We are especially interested in finding training techniques that will enhance adoptability in shelter dogs.  However, because dogs co-evolved with humans, we are also interested in testing their ability to understand human social cues, and the factors - such as personality - that may affect this ability in different individual dogs.

My Honors student, Corinne Butzen, asked the same question about personality but with dolphins instead of dogs!  She found that the dolphins who were the most curious, creative, and confident performed the best on the human-cued task.

Related Publications and Presentations (*student coauthor):

Templeton, J.J., *Stoune, J. & Thorn, J.M. 2011. Investigating the influence of personality on performance by family-owned dogs in a human-cued task.  Journal of Veterinary Behavior / Clinical Applications and Research 6: 84. CSF II Symposium Abstract.  PDF

*Butzen, C., Byerly, H. & Templeton, J.J.  2010. Personality and age affect the ability to interpret human-given social cues in Bottlenose Dolphins: A preliminary analysis.  ABS Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA.

Templeton, J.J. *Stoune, J. & Thorn, J.M. 2010.  Personality influences performance by family-owned dogs in a human-cued object choice task.  Canine Science Forum II, Vienna, Austria.

Templeton, J.J. & Thorn, J.M. 2009. Social learning in shelter dogs.  Journal of Veterinary Behavior / Clinical Applications and Research 4: 78-79. CSF I Symposium Abstract.  PDF

Templeton, J.J., Thorn, J.M. & *Biol/Psyc 312 students. 2008. Social learning in shelter dogs: enhancing training for adoption.  Canine Science Forum I, Budapest, Hungary.

Thorn, J.M., Templeton, J.J., *VanWinkle, K.,M. & *Castillo, R. 2006.  Conditioning shelter dogs to sit.  Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 9: 25-39.  PDF

*Cone, K., Templeton, J.J. & Thorn, J.M.  2006.  Domestic dogs and social learning: Do dogs learn better from conspecifics or humans?  PEW Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, IL.

Thorn, J.M., Templeton, J.J. *VanWinkle, K.,M. & *Castillo, R.  2004. Conditioning adoptable behaviors in shelter dogs. Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) meeting, Denver, Colorado.

Group Foraging and Public Information Use:

Animals forage in groups in order to reduce the risk of predation, but they also may take advantage of the information that other group members provide about the location of food and the quality of areas with hidden food.  

In experiments carried out in the lab and field, I have shown that group foraging starlings recognize the successes and failures of other individuals and that they combine this "public" information with their own personal (current) and private (past) information to assess the quality of a foraging area and make optimal foraging decisions.


Related Publications and Presentations (*student coauthor):

*Rafacz, M. & Templeton, J.J. 2003.  Environmental unpredictability and the value of social information for foraging starlings. Ethology 109: 951-960.  PDF

Giraldeau, L-A, Valone, T.J. & Templeton, J.J. 2002.  Advantages and disadvantages of using socially-acquired information.  Phil. Trans., Royal Society of London 357: 1559-1566.  PDF

Valone, T.J. &  Templeton, J.J. 2002.  Public information for resource assessment: a widespread social phenomenon.  Phil. Trans., Royal Society of London 357: 1549-1558.  

Valone, T.J., Nordell, S., Giraldeau, L.-A., & Templeton, J.J.  1996. The empirical question of thresholds and mechanisms of mate choice.  Evolutionary Ecology 10: 447-455.  PDF

Templeton, J.J. & Giraldeau, L.-A.  1995.  Public information cues affect the scrounging decisions of starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Animal Behaviour 49: 1617-1626.  PDF

Templeton, J.J. & Giraldeau, L.-A.  1995.  Patch assessment in foraging flocks of European starlings: Evidence for the use of public information.  Behavioral Ecology 6: 65-72.  PDF

Templeton, J.J. & Giraldeau, L.-A.  1996. Vicarious sampling: the use of personal and public information by starlings foraging in a simple patchy environment.  Behav. Ecol. & Sociobiol. 38: 105-114. PDF

Vickery, W.L., Giraldeau, L.-A., Templeton, J.J., Kramer, D.L., & Chapman, C. 1991. Producers, scroungers, and group foraging.  The American Naturalist 137: 847-863.  PDF

Templeton, J.J. & Giraldeau, L.-A. 1990.  Social foraging in cliff swallows: a critique.  Animal Behaviour 39: 1213-1214.

Sociality & Social Learning:

Social learning is the acquisition of novel skills or associations from observing the behavior of others. I am interested in understanding the factors that favor the transmission of these novel skills, from both proximate and ultimate perspectives.   For example, I have shown that starlings can learn a discrimination task most quickly when they observe a demonstrator ALWAYS making mistakes!  

I have also compared the social learning abilities of highly social and non-social species (such as the Clark's Nutcrackers on the right) to test the hypothesis that social learning is an adaptive specialization to social living. Currently, my Honor's student Anna Kraemer and I are collaborating with Dr. Kristy Gould (Luther College) to test the social brain hypothesis, using five different species of corvids.  

Social learning also has applications to conservation.  Most recently, my students and I have been examining cultural transmission of predator recognition as a technique to enhance the ability of captive-bred individuals of endangered avian species to recognize and respond appropriately to novel predators in the wild.           
NC watching

Related Publications and Presentations (*student coauthor):

*Wiggen, K. & Templeton, J.J. 2011. Innate predator recognition and cultural transmission in domesticated Zebra Finches.  ABS / International Ethological Congress Meetings, Bloomington, IN.

*Wiggen, K. & Templeton, J.J. 2011. Innate predator recognition and cultural transmission in domesticated Zebra Finches.  ISAS Meeting, Charleston, IL.

Templeton, J.J. & Thorn, J.M. 2009. Social learning in shelter dogs.  Journal of Veterinary Behavior / Clinical Applications and Research 4: 78-79. CSF I Symposium Abstract. PDF

*Gillespie, C. & Templeton, J.J. 2008. Cultural transmission of predator recognition in European Starlings. ABS meeting, Utah.

*Cone, K., Templeton, J.J. & Thorn, J.  2006.  Domestic dogs and social learning: Do dogs learn better from conspecifics or humans?  PEW Undergraduate Research Symposium, Chicago, IL

Templeton, J.J., Kamil, A., & Balda, R. 1999.  Sociality and social learning in two species of corvids: The Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) and the Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana).  Journal of Comparative Psychology 113: 1-6.  PDF

Templeton, J.J.  1998.  Learning from others' mistakes: a paradox revisited.  Animal Behaviour 55: 79-85.  PDF

Lefebvre, L., Templeton, J.J., Brown, K. & Koelle, M. 1997.  Carib grackles imitate conspecific and Zenaida dove demonstrators.  Behaviour 134: 1003-1017.  PDF

Dolman, C., Templeton, J.J., & Lefebvre, L. 1996. Mode of foraging competition is related to tutor preference in  Zenaida auritaJournal of Comparative Psychology 110:45-54.  PDF

Giraldeau, L.-A. & Templeton, J.J. 1991.  Food scrounging and diffusion of foraging skills in pigeons, Columba livia: the importance of tutor and observer rewards.  Ethology 89: 63-72.  PDF

Suboski, M.D. & Templeton, J.J. 1989. Life skills training for hatchery fish: social learning and survival. Fisheries Research 7: 343-352.  PDF

Age and Foraging Skills:

Juveniles and adults of the same species can behave quite differently from one another and this is particularly true with respect to foraging.  Upon leaving the nest, young birds frequently search for prey in different ways, forage in different areas, handle prey differently, or select distinct types of prey compared to adults.  

In Savannah Sparrows (right), Nat Wheelright and I found that young birds show a threshold jump in foraging skills at 21 days of age.   This jump is adaptive, because it occurs just prior to the age at which parents cut off care to start a second brood.

Students and I have also compared the patch assessment abilities of captive juvenile and adult starlings as they searched for hidden prey.  Juveniles had a reduced ability to assess patch quality and a lower foraging efficiency due to an inability to keep track of where they had already searched.  Interestingly, although juveniles initially over-sampled and adults initially under-sampled, both age classes converged on the predicted rate-maximizing patch departure decision in only three days.                                                                                                                        
juvsav SAV aviary
Related Publications and Presentations (*student coauthor):

Templeton, J.J., *MacDonald, J., *Allmendinger, K., & Valone, T.J.  2004.  A comparison of the sampling behavior of juvenile and adult starlings foraging in a simple patchy environment. Animal Behavior Society (ABS) meeting, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Wheelwright, N.T. & Templeton, J.J. 2003.  Development of foraging skills and the transition to independence in fledgling Savannah Sparrows.  Condor 105: 279-287.  PDF

Templeton, J.J. & Wheelwright, N.T. 1998. Age-specific foraging skills in Savannah Sparrows. International Society of Behavioural Ecology (ISBE), Pacific Grove, CA

Some of the avian species I have used in my research (photo credits from top left to right, etc.):
European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris):; European Starlings on balcony: JJT.
Zenaida Dove (Zenaida aurita):
Carib Grackle (Quiscalus lugubris):
Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana):
Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus):
Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata):
Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis):; photo of juvenile Savannah Sparrow: Nat Wheelwright, Bowdoin College; aviary photo: JJT.
Zebra Finch (Taenopygia guttata):
Gouldian Finches (Erythrura gouldiae): Sarah Pryke, Macquarie University; photo of Gouldian Finches in mate choice chamber: JJT.

Other species I have worked with:
Rock Bass (Ambloplites rupestris)
Little Brown Bat  (Myotis lucifugus)
Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus)
Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris); photo of my wonderful dog Fergus: JJT.

Last updated Nov 19, 2013