In addition to the specific requirement outlined in the handout for the various presentation papers, here is what I require in a "good" essay.

1. An essay must have paragraphs focused around a general idea.  For instance, your paragraphs on "what went right" in your presentation should have that idea as the controlling idea -- the topic sentence.  That topic sentence should be supported with specific explanations and examples.  I do not believe that one example is sufficient for these papers.  I suggest you think in terms of including everything you can think of that went right (within reason).  This section of the paper should be approximately 1/2 page, or 1/4 of the paper.

2. Your essays need to have adequate transitions between sections.

3. Your essays need to have adequate transitions between sentences within paragraphs.

4.  Your essays need to be grammatically written and punctuated.  I expect you to edit your work carefully.  I expect you to write "college level" papers.

5.  Your essays need to show that you have reflected carefully on your presentation.  Generally speaking, to say that you would change nothing next time makes me think you have not thought very carefully.  Likewise, to place the blame for your performance on me, on the class, or on your group members suggests to me that you aren't really being reflective.  For instance, if one of your group members didn't do his/her share, and you didn't do anything about it -- like tell me while there is still time for me to do something about it -- then it's your fault, not someone else's, and you should talk in your essay about how you're going to solve the problem.

6.  Your essays should include all the elements and details outlined on the assignment handout.

For the news presentation, follow the directions on the assignment sheet.  I expect those essays to have an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.  They should be standard expository essays.  If you don't know what that means, either ask the tutors in the learning center to explain it to you, or look in a basic composition textbook.  I expect your essays to be grammatically correct and properly punctuated.  Please ask the tutors to check for problems with "idiomatic English." The directions tell you to critique the themes that show up in the news for your week. "Critique" means to discuss critically.

Your basic guide should be Rules for Writers, which all Knox students are supposed to have.