Electronic Gradebook



As a teacher in the 21st century, you must be comfortable with technology. Perhaps slowly, but certainly, school districts are moving toward electronic data storage, and, inevitably, that includes electronic storage of grades and other teacher-gathered student information. Besides that, teachers who use electronic grade books find them to be real time-savers. The result is that there are numerous grade books on the market, including numerous shareware and freeware versions. To help push you in the direction of technological comfort, I expect you to download a copy of the free program called Grade 2SE to your computer, and learn how to use it to keep track of your grades this semester. (As noted on the Syllabus, this program does not work on computers using Mac OS X. It also does not work with Windows Vista. If you are using either of those operating systems, see me.) At the end of the term, you will present me with a print-out from that program that (1) has your final grade calculated on it and (2) shows a grade that agrees with my grade records. (This requirement will help you meet the technology standards, if you haven't already done so.) (5%)


1. Download a free copy of Grade2SE to your own computer.

2. Tinker with the program until you learn how to use it.

3. Set it up so that it calculates grades the same way my program does. (See the handout for the grade categories, assignments, and assignment weights and values.)

4. Keep track of your grades on an on-going basis.

5. Due as indicated on the course calendar. (Turn in a digitized "Grade Report" generated by G2SE)