Tentative Syllabus Educ 340--Student Teaching
Fall Term 2007 Supervisor:Dr. Jim Vandergriff Office: GDH
310 Office Hours: phone: Check
my business card. I don’t want
to put the number on the web. e-mail: Check my business card. I don’t want to put it on the web. website: http://faculty.knox.edu/jvanderg/340Stuff/Index340.html Required
Texts/Materials None I. Course
Overview: Rationale and Purpose
This course is a full-time commitment to observation, reflection,
and teaching in a school setting. Student teachers work closely with
a cooperating teacher at their school site and with the
The overview and aims of the student teaching experience are
outlined in the department's Student Teaching Manual. Students are expected to be very familiar
with its contents during the student teaching experience. II. Course
Teaching candidates will be able to 1. demonstrate use of Illinois State Learning
Standards in their specific disciplines 2. demonstrate acquisition of general knowledge
required of all teachers 3. demonstrate acquisition and use of Illinois
Professional Teaching Standards 4. routinely use reflection to guide practice
and interactions in and outside the classroom, including effective self-evaluation
that leads to the development of strategies to continually improve performance
and results 5. manage the full-range of classroom routine,
including creating an academically challenging environment, treating
students and peers respectfully, and preventing or responding appropriately
to disruptive students 6. develop and implement
a curriculum unit in a specific discipline (or an integrated unit) that
addresses the needs of all students, including specific plans for students
with special needs 7. develop and implement daily lessons that
reflect a repertoire of instructional methods and address the needs
of all students, including specific plans for students with special
needs 8. apply group work strategies 9. make subject matter come to life for students 10. address a range of students' needs through
instructional planning and implementation, including the acquisition
of content knowledge, identity development, positive human relationships,
and character integrity 11. develop and use a wide range of assessment
tools that addresses the needs of all students, including specific plans to adapt or use with students
with special needs 12. complete student progress reports 13. conduct effective meetings with parents
and guardians 14. recall and follow specific rights and
responsibilities of teachers according to district policies and state
and federal legislation (e.g., IDEA, mandated reporting, dress codes,
physical contact) 15. accept all the responsibilities of teachers,
including the supervision of students' extracurricular activities 16. prepare a teaching portfolio, including
entry slips and visual appeal (See the Student Teaching Manual for specific
requirements for the portfolio) (Electronic portfolios are required.) 17. critique videotaped teaching segments
of self and peers 18. effectively handle a range of observers
while teaching, including the cooperating teacher, administrators, the
supervising instructor, peers, and parents 19. think critically 20. write in a scholarly form and voice 21. speak in a scholarly form and voice 22. give useful feedback to students, peers,
cooperating teacher, and supervising teacher 23. receive and apply feedback from multiple
sources, including cooperating teacher, supervising instructor, peers,
students, and colleagues 24. write effective objectives for long and
short term planning. 25. choose teaching strategies and evaluation
techniques which are appropriate for the chosen objectives. III.
1 – Democratic Foundations Pillar 1: The Knox College
Teacher Candidate shall understand the importance of the development
of learning communities and environments that embrace diversity and
promote social justice. Pillar 2: The Knox College
Teacher Candidate shall possess and understanding of the historical,
ethical, political, and social issues associated with education. Theme
2 – Knowledge Foundations Pillar 3: The Knox College
Teacher Candidate shall understand the importance of the study of the
nature of knowledge, pedagogical practices, and methods of assessment
and evaluation. Pillar 4: The Knox College
Teacher Candidate shall recognize the breadth and depth of knowledge,
which integrates the study of education with other disciplines. Theme
3 – Praxis Foundations Pillar 5: The Knox College
Teacher Candidate shall integrate theory and practice that is developed,
supported, and maintained through reflection. Pillar 6: The Knox College
Teacher Candidate shall understand the importance of meeting state and
national standards, developing the habits of mind that encourage professional
growth, and creating leaders in educational communities.
Teaching Standards Democratic Foundations (Standards A-C) A. The Candidate understands the role of the community
in education, and develops and maintains collaborative relationships
with colleagues, parents/guardians, and the community to support student
learning and well being. (IPTS #9). Candidate:
B. The candidate
is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates how choices and
actions affect students, parents, and other professionals in the learning
community and actively seeks opportunities to grow professionally. (IPTS
#10) Candidate:
C. The candidate
understands education as a profession, maintains standards of professional
conduct, and provides leadership to improve student learning and well
being. (IPTS #11) Candidate:
Knowledge Foundations (Standards D-G) D. The candidate
understands the central concepts, methods of inquiry, and structures
of the discipline(s) and creates learning experiences that make the
content meaningful to all students. (IPTS #1) Candidate:
The candidate understands how individuals grow, develop, and learn and
provides learning opportunities that support the intellectual, social,
and personal development of all students. (IPTS #2) Candidate:
The candidate understands how students differ in their approaches to
learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to
diverse learners (IPTS #3) Candidate:
G. The candidate
uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior
to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction,
active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. (IPTS #5) Candidate:
Praxis Foundations
(Standards H-K) H.
The candidate understands instructional planning and designs instructions
based upon knowledge of the discipline, students, the community, and
curriculum goals. (IPTS #4) Candidate:
The candidate understands
and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students'
development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
(IPTS #4) Candidate:
J. The candidate
uses knowledge of effective writing, verbal, nonverbal, and visual communication
techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction
in the classroom. (IPTS #7) Candidate:
K. The candidate
understands and uses various formal and informal assessment strategies
to support the continuous development of all students. (IPTS #8) Candidate:
Attendance The following is taken from the 2007-2008
on-line Knox Catalog (http://www.knox.edu/x1054.xml#Attend) Class Attendance and Excused Absences Students are expected to attend classes regularly and to participate fully in class activities. Students who are absent from class, regardless of the reasons for their absence, are responsible for all work assigned in the course. In all cases of excused absence, appropriate deadlines for the completion of work missed must be arranged by the student with the instructor. Students who fail to attend the first day of class and who have not been excused may be dropped from that class. In case of illness, it is a student's responsibility to see that written verification of the illness is obtained from the physician or hospital and is provided to one of the Deans of Students, who notifies the student's instructors. If a student was not seen by a physician or at a hospital, but is known by the Dean of Students to have been ill, the student may request verification of illness from the Office of Student Development. In case of a verified illness, the student is normally excused from the class; in all other cases the decision is the prerogative of the instructor. Instructors may adopt more specific attendance policies in their courses. It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with the instructor's policy and to abide by it. Students should be prepared to accept a grade of an F in a course for failure to adhere to the instructor's attendance policy. Except in the case of illness, it is the instructor's decision whether to excuse a student from class attendance. Reasonable standards of humanity and responsibility are expected to prevail. VI. Content/Materials Topics to be explored or reviewed during seminars will include
but not be limited to (1) preparing the portfolio, (2) interviewing,
(3) unit and lesson planning, (4) instructional methods and strategies,
(5) classroom management, (6) Illinois State Standards (Content Area
Learning Standards, general knowledge, Illinois Learning Standards and
Professional Teaching Standards) and the Knox Teaching Standards, (7)
assessment/evaluation/grading, (8) technology, (9) mandated reporting
and other legal issues and (10) meeting the diverse needs of students.
Children's Justice Task Force. (October 2000). Manual for mandated
reporters (Revised ed.). VII.
Teaching/Learning Activities
Class time will be divided between (1) discussing the listed
issues and (2) discussing the student teachers' experiences, questions,
concerns, and successes. At least half of the seminar time will be reserved
for student teachers to raise topics for discussion. Other
As the need arises, other topics will be covered during the term.
Generally we will spend the first third or so of the seminar time discussing
issues of concern or delight that you generate from your experiences.
Throughout the term we will talk about the portfolio and how is it coming
together as well as address the writing of entry slips. We will then
spend the remainder of the time discussing a specific topic/topics as
noted in the syllabus.
The instructor’s primary role is to help each student teacher
develop as a teacher. That will mean very different things for each
individual, but there will also be some commonalities that we should
be able to help us work through. All of you will be helping each other
develop as well.
More specific pieces to my role are (1) to help you negotiate
between your cooperating teacher and any differences in expectations
between the school district and Knox College, (2) to help you think
through lessons, units, performance pitfalls, difficult situations that
none of us could foresee, and (3) to be part of the celebration of your
Other parts of the instructor’s role to help each of you develop
should be familiar. We will (4) provide information, (5) remind you
of requirements from our program, the state, and our profession, (6)
provide deadlines, and (7) review your work with the purpose of providing
you with personal feedback and (8) calculate a final grade for the course. VIII.
Student Teaching Components
Classroom Teaching
is your primary focus for your student teaching assignment. Please read
the Student
Teaching Manual and the Guide To Fieldwork for explanation
of the student teaching experience. Follow the guidelines as stated
in these two department documents and if you have questions talk to
us immediately.
Beginning and ending times will vary according to your placement
in a district. You will be expected to follow the school calendar for
the full teaching day rather than the B.
Seminars will
provide a forum for student teachers to raise issues related to their
work in schools, to share ideas and resources, and to promote reflection
about teaching. Regular attendance at seminars is required. Seminar time will be devoted
to discussion and the sharing of ideas and resources. The schedule included
with this syllabus is tentative and will be negotiated as needed. Students
are expected to come to seminar having competed the assignments. A part of one seminar session will be spent in peer discussion
of videotaped lessons. Individuals will provide a videotape of themselves
teaching a lesson. The video will be viewed and critiqued in a seminar
meeting of your peers. Each individual must participate with classmates
to share segments of videos and provide and receive feedback on the
lessons. Plan your videotaping carefully both in terms of content and
timing. The taped lesson must be 5 minutes in length, have relevancy
as an assessment of your instructional skills (for example, students
taking a written test is an ineffective segment for taping), and be
ready to air at seminar. During discussion with peers, individuals need
to listen to feedback rather than defend or attempt to cover up, or
blame others for rough spots. In a written narrative entry summarize
(1) the lesson from your perspective, (2) and reflect on your teaching.
This segment will also be included in your digital portfolio. C.
Observations of
your teaching will take place regularly throughout the term. Prior to
the observation, you need to submit to your supervisor a written lesson
plan. The form of the written plans may vary from individual to individual,
but they must include all of the curricular components (rationale, goals
and objectives, content and materials, activities, and assessment) expected
in other educational studies courses. In addition, each plan must address
the education of students with special needs. It will also be your responsibility to make sure you arrange
for the observation visits. During three visits I will observe your
teaching. We must also have a time to talk at each of these visits.
After I have done those observation visits, I will need to meet with
you for a few minutes. Please
arrange to be free to meet with me immediately after the observation. Visiting
Professional --
You must make sure to schedule a date for another Knox professor (from
a department other than Educational Studies) or teaching professional
(e. g., a Dean) to visit your classroom and observe your teaching. For
those teaching outside the Galesburg area, you need to arrange for an
administrator – superintendent, principal, curriculum specialist, or
your department head -- at your school to observe you at least once.
Please ask him/her to provide me with a copy of his/her evaluation
of your teaching. You
will provide the name to me at the second seminar meeting. D.
Your portfolio
will be a reflection of your student teaching experience and a portrait
of you as a teacher. Your portfolio will be developed throughout your
student teaching experience and will include the items listed on the
course website. Some of these items may have already been produced for
previous classes, but they may need to be revised in order to demonstrate
competence at a higher stage of development as a teacher.
Each entry/artifact will need an entry slip that describes the
skills and qualities reflected in the entry. Entry slips are important
to the portfolio because they explain your rationale for including the
particular entry and, therefore, will help you develop your pedagogical
thinking and expression. The entry slips will include clear statements
of how each entry demonstrates the goals of the teacher certification
program and your development as a qualified teacher.
Student teachers are required to attend a professional conference
during their student teaching experience. This is listed in the Student Teaching Manual as a requirement
of the student teaching portfolio. The goals of the assignment are to
have student teachers (1) develop a "habit" of continued professional
development, (2) begin connecting with professional organizations, (3)
attend an event as a teacher rather than a student, (4) experience a
conference now rather than waiting until they have time because the
time seldom comes, (5) make connections within the profession, and (6)
find out how much you know in comparison to others at the conference.
Prepare two copies of your portfolio, one
for you and one for the Department of Educational Studies. Electronic
portfolios on a CD are required, but you are also strongly encouraged
to create a paper one for use during interviews. You are also required
to have a live version of your portfolio posted as a website during
the student teaching experience. Each of you will acquire off-campus
website space and begin posting your materials there as early as the
first seminar. You will maintain this site in up-to-date working
condition at least until Nov. 16, 2007 or the end of your student teaching
experience, whichever comes latest. IX. Expectations
and Grading
Criteria for final grades is based on work at and
for the school site, the portfolio, and seminar participation. Evidence
of work in each of these areas must be achieved in order to receive
credit for EDUC 340. For example, not attending seminars or attending
but not participating or not turning in a portfolio would result in
the need to repeat EDUC 340 for credit. If work in all three areas is
attempted, your final grade will be determined according to the following
scale. Classroom teaching 70% Portfolio
20% Seminar Contribution 10% B.
General Guidelines: 1. Student teachers must earn at least a
"C" in EDUC 340 in order to receive a positive recommendation
from the Department of Educational Studies for teacher certification. 2. Completion of EDUC 340 with a grade of
"C" or higher does not guarantee a positive recommendation
from the department of Educational Studies for teacher certification.
In addition to successful completion of EDUC 340, all program requirements
must be successfully demonstrated. (That is, merely passing student
teaching doesn’t guarantee that you will be recommended for certification
by the state. Without a recommendation from your college, the state
will not certify you to teach.) 3. All work must be edited for grammatical,
punctuation, and spelling conventions. 4. Label all portfolio
entries and assignments clearly by using the assignment name (e.g.,
Lesson Plan, Curriculum Unit, Journal Entries). 5. The abbreviation "etc." should
be avoided in academic work because the reader may not know what additional examples would
fit the series. 6. If you are having trouble starting or
completing work for EDUC 340, whether it is outlined in this syllabus
or part of your cooperating teacher's requirements for you, discuss
it with us as early as possible. 7. A common grammatical convention that we
hold teacher candidates accountable for is subject/pronoun agreement.
For example, if you write a sentence using “a student” as the subject,
appropriate pronoun agreement is demonstrated with either “s/he,” “she/he,”
or “she or he,” not “they.” Another option you have is to change your
subject to the plural form and state “students. . .” 8. We expect teacher candidates to use gender-sensitive
language; therefore, using only “he” or only “she” is only appropriate
when speaking specifically about a particular individual whose sex is
known to the reader. It is not appropriate when talking about generic
human beings whose gender is not known to you. 9. We expect accurate and appropriate documentation.
Education is a social science, which generally follows the APA formatting
style. Please adopt the APA style for this course C.
Grading Policies 1. Attendance at all seminar sessions is
required. 2. Portfolio entries may need to go through
a series of drafts. It is the responsibility of individual student teachers
to get drafts of portfolio entries to us in a timely manner if you desire
feedback before final submission. 3. Because EDUC 340 is the last required
course in the teacher certification program at Knox College, student
teachers are expected to achieve at least a "Meets" for each
Knox College Teaching Standards listed below. Your portfolio will need
to be organized around the standards. (I will provide you with a template
you are expected to use.) . X. Portfolio
Your portfolio should be a selective collection
of artifacts or evidence that evokes your dispositions as a teacher
and demonstrates that you have attained the goals of your teacher education
program. These goals include the following: 1) an understanding and respect for the multicultural,
multiethnic nature of American society in your work with students, parents,
and peers. 2) a sensitivity to cultural, racial, social,
class, and gender differences and the ways in which they affect teaching
and learning. 3) the ability to carry out your intentions
in the classroom and to articulate why you are doing what you are doing. 4) the exploration of a wide variety of teaching
strategies that reflect your pedagogical knowledge. 5)
the ability to maintain a classroom environment that facilitates meaningful
learning. 6) the promotion of critical inquiry on matters
of personal and social significance in your classroom. 7) reflection on your own teaching and work. While your portfolio may include as many
items as you wish, it must include each of the following:
I require of you
a digital portfolio suitable for distributing at interviews. |