Evidence of Computer Grading and Technology Use


     In this section, you are to provide evidence of both your facility with use of electronic grading programs and your use of technology in your teaching.

     How you document these sort of depends on what you do. If your teacher uses an electronic grading program, you can provide copies of grade reports from his/her program. If not, set up your own, keep it for the term, then include some kind of evidence -- such as a blind grade report -- in your portfolio.

     (My preference is that you download a free copy of “Grade2” and use it throughout your student teaching to record the grades of at least one student in one class for the duration of your teaching. It's available free at www.gradebook.com/solutions/index.htm. On that page, click on the "SE" icon near the bottom of the page, then click on "View the Gradebook2 Profile," then click on the appropriate "Download" button)

     To support your other use of technology, you might provide a powerpoint presentation you have used, or examples of interactive worksheets, or a webquest you've designed, or whatever you have that shows the ways in which you integrate technology into your teaching. The point is to prove that you do integrate technology into your teachng.