Entry Slip

First of all, your entry slip needs a title that says clearly what it is an entry slip for. For instance, "Entry Slip for Teaching Video Clip," or "Entry Slip for my Philosophy of Education."

Then, the "entry slip" must explain:

1) what the item is;

[Example:  "The appended document is a statement of my current beliefs about how my chosen discipline fits into the larger scheme of things in American public education."]


2) why you chose to include this particular item (both as opposed to another similar item and in general);

[Example: " I chose to include this document because it reflects my current beliefs about the role of  xxxxx in public school curricula."]

3) how the artifact demonstrates your teaching style or strategies;

[Example:  "The appended artifact reflects my belief that, with the guidance of a teacher, students must construct their own understanding of ......... It also reflects my belief that teaching needs to occur as much as possible in a one-on-one situation.  Each student apprehends in an individual way, so the teacher needs to interact with each student individually. Thus, I prefer individually paced activities and small group work to whole group lectures and recitations, though I recognize that those too have their uses."]


4) how the artifact fits into your philosophy and with the Educational Studies Department's goals or the Mission statement -- and the links to the Democratic, Knowledge, and Praxis Foundations within it (at this address http://deptorg.knox.edu/edstudy).

[Example:  "The appended document reflects my belief that xxxx not only helps prepare students for their vocations, but also helps expand their personal horizons, etc., etc. It also reflects my serious commitment to social justice."]

(Please don't take the above examples as "recipes."  What you say should be what you truly believe and what is truly reflected in your documents.)