A Night-piece for Guns
The big guns rumbled in the dark
And the heavens danced with fire.
A soldier stared into the night
And laid his rifle down.
He stood in silence for a time,
His face a-shine with tears,
As the big guns rumbled in the dark
And the heavens danced with fire.
With a wracking shriek he turned
And stumbled toward the trees,
As the big guns rumbled in the dark
And the heavens danced with fire.
Tracers ripped the darkness up
With streaks of searing red,
And rotors whipped the smoke-filled air
Into surreal swirls painted with flares.
A bullet caught the warrior-child
And killed him as he ran.
The big guns rumbled in the dark
And the heavens danced with fire.
A rifle rattled in the night,
Then all was sharply still.
The soldier lay in the bloody mud
And the fighting passed him by,
As the big guns quietened in the dark
And the heavens quenched their fire.