
Articles and Addresses

(For copies of unpublished works, please e-mail me)


"The Legend of Joe's Cave: Murder, Medicine, Counterfeiting and Vigilantism," Missouri Folklore Society Journal, 15-16, 1993-94, pp. 29-50

"Update on The Legend of Joe’s Cave: An Update and Response to My Critics," Missouri Folklore Society Journal 17(1995): 117-22.

"When Calico Came to Kotzebue: Some Musings on the Power of Language and the Language of Power"
(unpublished paper prepared for Dr. Scott Momaday, University of Arizona)

"Reflections on History: Violence in Ozark Folklore," The Bentley House Beacon, Spring, 1990, pp. 3-4)

"School Christmas"
(A speech given to members of the Ozark Folklore Society)

"Looking at the Lights"
(A paper prepared for Dr. Barre Toelken, Utah State University)

Speech to Laclede Co. (MO) Historical Society
(Lebanon, MO, 1990)

"AIDS: The Urban Legend"
(A paper devlivered at the Missouri History Conference, Joplin, MO, April, 1988;, the Missouri Folklore Society, St. Joseph, MO, October, 1988; and the Popular Culture Association national conference, St. Louis, MO, April, 1989.

"Kushtukas, Inyukons and Devils: Some Inupiat Eskimo Folklore," Heritage of Kansas 11(Fall 1978): 45-48.

Speech to Springfield Writers Guild

Topic: Using Folklore in Creative Writing
(Springfield, MO, 3/16/92)