I only knew Jeremy for a year, but I came to love him like a brother.  Jeremy always had a smile on his face and could make any one's day better; I'm sure his friends will all tell you the same thing.  He used to always be very giving and thankful for everything.  He was truly one of my best friends. 

Jordan Anastasoff
(from a letter sent the week of Jeremy's death)

(And this note in our "memory book" when Jordan was able to come visit)

Jeremy:  Hey you know I loved you like a brother.  I always had your back through what everyone went through, just like you always had mine.  You showed me what it is to be a real friend.  Our friendship started through Matt and we all used to get together and play basketball.  You know I'm still on your team.  Someday I'll see you again in heaven.  But now you're still on my mind, and I'm going to try and take care of your parents the way I know you would want someone to.  Your family is part of my family since I considered you a brother.  I love you my brother. 
Your friend, Jordan

P.S.  Save a spot up there for me.

