Teacher Interview Questions The following is an actual list of questions used by many principals as the basis of an interview. It would be to your advantage to (1) study them carefully and (2) practice answering them before you go out for an interview. 1. What unique qualities do you possess that we should consider? 2. What do you know about our school district? 3. Will you tell me about your hobbies? 4. What clubs and activities would you be willing to sponsor? 5. Please share with me your thoughts on: Traditional education Open education Team teaching Non-gradedness Large-group instruction Small-group instruction 6. How do you feel about thematic (unit) planning? 7. In what ways would you provide for differentiated assignments? 8. How would you provide for the individualization of instruction? 9. What are your thoughts about PTA and other community organizations? 10. How many students can you adequately
instruct in any given time? 11. What is your philosophy of education? 12. Please tell me about the methods
of evaluation that you would use. 13. Why will our school district be
better for having hired you? 14. Why would you like to teach in our
school district? 15. Please give me your thoughts on
some recent educational literature that impressed you. 16. How would you provide for a rich
educational climate in your classroom? 17. What is your conception of the way an
instructional materials center should function in a school? 18. How would you utilize the services of
the guidance and counseling staff? 19. What is wholesome about American education
today? 20. What should be improved in American education
as it exists today? 21. Do you feel you know yourself? Your hopes? Aspirations? Long-range
goals? 22. What is your philosophy of life? 23. How does your area of certification relate
to the other disciplines? 24. Please tell me about the artifacts you
would regularly use in your instruction. 25. What is your concept of the role of the
administration in relation to
teachers? To students? 26. As a teacher in our district what would
be your role in our community? 27. Are you familiar with the works of any
of the educational philosophers? 28. Can you conceptualize educational programs
and buildings of the year 2020?
What might they be like? 29. In what way does your discipline (area
of certification) lend itself to outdoor education? 30. Are you familiar with differentiated staffing?
How would you relate to that eventuality in our district if you were
teaching here? 31. Should students have any part in the evaluation
of teachers? Why? 32. To what extent should students be involved
in determining what should be taught and how it should be taught? 33. What constitutes an effective classroom?
Study hall? 34. Are you familiar with the scientific method
of investigation? To what
extent should that method be utilized in your classroom? 35. How would you handle controversial issues
as they come before your class? 36. Please react to the job description prepared
for the position for which you are applying. 37. What are your plans for furthering your
education? 38. What, in your opinion, are the best ways
to communicate with parents? 39. Is it still applicable that teachers should
be exemplars in the community?
Why? 40. What rights and responsibilities do you
feel students should assume? 41. Please evaluate this interview and tell
me how you think it could be improved to better acquaint other candidates
with our district and the position for which you are applying. |