Local search to improve coordinate-based task mapping

Written with Evan Balzuweit (Knox `14), Vitus J. Leung, Austin Finley (Knox `15), and Alan C.S. Lee (Knox `15).
Parallel Computing (2015).
Preliminary version published as "Local search to improve task mapping" in Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-End Computing (P2S2), 2014.

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We present a local search strategy to improve the coordinate-based mapping of a parallel job's tasks to the MPI ranks of its parallel allocation in order to reduce network congestion and the job's communication time. The goal is to reduce the number of network hops between communicating pairs of ranks. Our target is applications with a nearest-neighbor stencil communication pattern running on mesh systems with non-contiguous processor allocation, such as Cray XE and XK Systems. Using the miniGhost mini-app, which models the shock physics application CTH, we demonstrate that our strategy reduces application running time while also reducing the runtime variability. We further show that mapping quality can vary based on the selected allocation algorithm, even between allocation algorithms of similar apparent quality.