A Tie-Breaking Strategy for Processor Allocation in Meshes

Written with Christopher R. Johnson (Knox '11) and Vitus J. Leung.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Scheduling and Resource Management for Parallel and Distributed Systems (SRPDS), 2010. (No page number because the proceedings were distributed on CD.)


Many of the proposed algorithms for allocating processors to jobs in supercomputers choose arbitrarily among potential allocations that are "equally good" according to the allocation algorithm. In this paper, we add a parametrized tie-breaking strategy to the MC1x1 allocation algorithm for mesh supercomputers. This strategy attempts to favor allocations that preserve large regions of free processors, benefiting future allocations and improving machine performance. Trace-based simulations show the promise of our strategy; with good parameter choices, most jobs benefit and no class of jobs is harmed significantly.